netty in action 读书笔记

■ Threading model overview
■ Event loop concept and implementation
■ Task scheduling
■ Implementation details

we must always guard against the possible side effects of concurrent execution, it’s important to understand the implications of the model being applied (there are single-thread models as well). Ignoring these matters and merely hoping for the best is tantamount to gambling—with the odds definitely against you.


Java 5 then introduced the Executor API, whose thread pools greatly improved performance through Thread caching and reuse.



Netty’s EventLoop is part of a collaborative design that employs two fundamental APIs: concurrency and networking. First, the package io.netty.util.concurrent builds on the JDK package java.util.concurrent to provide thread executors. Second, the classes in the package extend these in order to interface with Channel events.


event-handling logic must be generic and flexible enough to handle all possible use cases. Therefore, in Netty 4 all I/O operations and events are handled by the Thread that has been assigned to the EventLoop.


The ScheduledExecutorService implementation has limitations, such as the fact that extra threads are created as part of pool management. This can become a bottleneck if many tasks are aggressively scheduled.


ScheduledFuture<?> future = ch.eventLoop().scheduleAtFixedRate(...);

Netty’s EventLoop extends ScheduledExecutorService, so it provides all of the methods available with the JDK implementation, including schedule() and scheduleAtFixedRate(), used in the preceding examples. The complete list of all the operations can be found in the Javadocs for Scheduled- ExecutorService.3


The superior performance of Netty’s threading model hinges on determining the identity of the currently executing Thread; that is, whether or not it is the one assigned to the current Channel and its EventLoop. (Recall that the EventLoop is responsible for handling all events for a Channel during its lifetime.)

当前执行的线程,当前的Channel,EventLoop 这三者是什么的关系??

		ScheduledFuture<?> futrueres =, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    

    <V> ScheduledFuture<V> schedule(final ScheduledFutureTask<V> task) {
        if (inEventLoop()) {
        } else {
            execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

        return task;

    public boolean inEventLoop(Thread thread) {
        return thread == this.thread;

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